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Testyou is an online test creator helps you to create and grade your skills. Testyou makes it easy for you to create multiple choice questions, add instructions and divide your test into multiple sections.

Online Test Creator

Online Test Creator

TestYou is one of the best online test creator tool that allows you to create your own tests, questions bank and publish your tests over internet within your groups or publicly.

TestYou allows you to create online test for your students, colleagues and your company employees etc. It is also an awesome platform for those candidates who are prepairing for any online exams because test you give free test series for the candidates to attempt mock test which is based on exams patterns like SSC, MBA, CAT, XAT and BANK PO & CLERK etc.

The TestYou is a professional website which is easy to use. TestYou also provide some awesome features for examiner, teachers and professors to create their tests and test series where they can choose some feature from different options and also choose advanced option for better security.

This Educational website provide full authentication over your test creation where you can create your own test with awesome features and easy process for your friends and students.

TestYou also have several best test series for students about competitive exams like CAT, XAT, General Awareness Test, Aptitude Test, English Test, Maths Test, IQ test, organization level test and many more test series which is helpful and useful to prepare yourself for your competitive exams and help to make a bright career.

Create your test with Online Test Creator tool.